These are the standard offering - bespoke packages can be tailored to your needs. The engagement will start with the free health check and then recommendations will be made to which package best fits the need and the affordability.
£200 Per Month
£400 Per Month
£750 Per Month
£1500 Per Month
Monthly on-line Reviews
Action Plan Creation (Level1)
Monthly Reviews
Action Plan (Level 1)
Business Plan review (identifying Risks and Opportunities)
Weekly Reviews
Action Plan (Level 3)
Business Plan review (identifying Risks and Opportunities)
Risks and Opportunities (BMW)
Ad hoc telephone support
Monthly high level dashboard
Business plan creation and maintenance
Monthly management information pack
Optional (after 6 months) Health Check Tool
Fortnightly Reviews
Action Plan (Level 2)
Business Plan review (identifying Risks and Opportunities)
Risks and Opportunities (BMW)
Ad hoc telephone support
Monthly high level dashboard
What is involved in the monthly reviews?
The monthly reviews will review the action plan from the previous month look at progress against the metics set to be monitored and discuss and agree future action plans to get these to the desired state.
How Long Are the contracts?
The Bronze and Silver options are for a minimum of 3 months, the Gold is for 6 and the Platinum for 12, the reason for this is that the initial phase will require more effort than later phases when the working relationship and the processes are mature.
Can I switch Plans?
You will work closely with our advisor and if you feel you need more or less support you can move plans with 2 months notice.
What is BMW?
BMW is Best Most likely and Worst and will look at establishing a financial outlook that is the most likely; then use the identified risks and opportunities to look at the best and worst case.
How do I sign up?
Please call Chris on 07790490879, and he will be able to explain more about the option and how they would work with your business.
What is the difference in the levels of action plan?
Level 1 is the basic level and will look at what are the key elements to monitor over the next month.
Level 2 will take you to the next level of strategy and look at planning over the next month and in the 1-2 year period.
Level 3 will take levels 1 and 2 and add a 5 year plan to this as well. Once stable and agreed this may move to a quarterly review, but keeping the level 2 review.
How much time will I need to spend with the advisor?
This is not an easy question to answer as every business is different and we will work with you to make sure that you get the right support you need.
All prices are excluding VAT